Know About Us

A non- government organization is an organization that generally is formed independent from government .They are typically nonprofit entities ,and many of them are active humanitarianism or social sciences; they can also include clubs and associations that provide services to their members and others. surveys indicate that NGOs have a high degree of public trust, which can make them a useful proxy for the concern society and stakeholders.however NGOs can also be lobby groups for corporations, such as the world Economic Forum.

Our Vision
To develop and circulate progressive technical education systems 

Though the palghar district  is very close to Mumbai(the capital city of Maharashtra), in  the tribal area children donot get good food and proper education.Lack of proper medicine treatment and hospitals,the tribal children,men and women are not having good health. Maximum tribal children leave their  education after std. 4th because there are not schools for further standards.The students have to walk on foot about six to eight kilometres walk to taluka places to achieve their education.Besides In such tribal region,girls r too much backwads in schooling.

Dnyanarjan's major aims  are to  approach the tribal children as well as men and women to motivate  for education,child development, environmental  awareness and scientific knowledge.

The works of some organisation, such as Grammangal, Arohan and Sahaj shikshan aslo motivated us. Also our observation  regarding  health,education and economical position of rural and tribal area encourage to work  for thier rights and progress. From  these  standpoints  Dnyanarjan Foundation has been registered  non-profit organisation in the year 2022.